Julia Krantz

My work, or my professional and personal search over the years, is essentially portrayed in the considerations below

The search

Technical improvement and continuous artistic personal development, which enable more precise manipulations in the composition of the pieces produced, with a better understanding of the intrinsic characteristics of the chosen raw material, guaranteeing a more conscious and broader exploration of the possibilities it offers

The appointment

The environmental awareness that permeates the correct selection and use of renewable raw materials, through the self-imposed obligation to work with wood from areas where the sustainability of the Brazilian forest is guaranteed by the correct management of its flora, and by enabling the development of communities that survive from that the forest provides them

The work

A reinterpretation of the sinuous movement of waters, of the organicity of nature, in the construction of volumes through the use of varied species of native Brazilian wood, where function and plasticity merge in absolute interdependence.


The raw material that is chosen to work with brings with it much of what is intended, from the plastic and functional result immediately related to the final product, to the less direct intentions associated with larger issues concerning the product's relationship with society and its environment.

Wood brings with it peculiar characteristics that give it a great advantage over other materials, firstly due to its status as an absolutely renewable resource, as long as it is exploited in a sustainable way, guaranteeing the survival and flourishing of native forests with the most different types of vegetation around. of the world. - .

Secondly we can mention the variety of species, with their colors, textures, smells, densities, flavors, full dishes for the inspired creator.

In third place comes the workability of wood, which brings countless possibilities and lends itself with the same mastery to the construction of buildings, bridges, boats, musical instruments, pieces of furniture, sculptures, engravings, toys, games, etc. And beyond everything we can attribute to this rich and complex material, nature still opens up to us, with its limitless generosity, the possibility of rescuing lost values of mutual human/environment cooperation, of encouraging conscious production and consumption. of durable, non-toxic and biodegradable goods and the work of the craftsman who handles wood with love and sympathy

Design and Production

Design and sustainability are inseparable, in my opinion, but this idea really lost its intrinsic obligation after the industrial revolution.

The guilds, or artisan workshops, brought this association in an intuitive, natural way, the subject was not talked about, because it was already part of everyday life, but the race for productivity and consumption as supports of modern societies took us away from harmonious relationships with nature. , placing ourselves above the environment, as if we could direct it or even devastate it without suffering the consequences of our own actions.

In my work, I try to learn daily to rescue what was once natural to us, respect for nature of which we are only a small part, and I do this through the conscious use of one of the few renewable raw materials we have, wood, seeking to acquire it from sustainable sources, and through handling in the workshop in order to rescue traditional carpentry techniques and the production of pieces with greater longevity, which can last for generations, discouraging rampant consumption.

Nature is my great source of inspiration, water, the movement of clouds, the course of a river, the sinuosity of a tree branch. And there were some creators over time who were able to transpose their vision of nature into their works, such as Gaudi, Frank Lloyd Wright, Tapio Wirkala, among others.